Beyond the death drive: absurd and revolt in Albert Camus
Death, Hapiness, Absurd, Revolt, MoralAbstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss the possibility of a happy death, and consequently, a happy life based on the interpretation of Albert Camus’ philosophical pillars, namely: absurd and revolt. For one hand, absurd concerns about the confrontation of the irrationality of the world with the desire for clarity and rationality that no man encounters. This is able to lead to the death drive. For the other hand, revolt is linked to the unconscious desire for a morality that is called anti-theistic morality or attitude morality for moving personally concrete actions, born out of the world’s absurd feeling in the face of death and suffering, propitiating life drive. In the end, we will test the viability of this moral anti-theistic to promote a happy death for those who suffer and a happy life, despite all suffering, for those who are in front of the death of another. To do this, we will use the Albert Camus’ books: The Myth of Sisyphus, The Plague, and The Rebel.
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