Pandemic and Antiwar: from the logic of accumulation to the logic of care




Pandemic, War, Coronavirus, Care, Social Reproduction


The new coronavirus pandemic offers a challenge to thought: how to think about the disruption on human affairs caused by an inhuman agent. Our collective capacity to deal with the problem also depends upon the conceptual frameworks that we are able to mobilize. This essay seeks to analyze the metaphor of war and its epistemic relevance, addressing discourses that mobilize it and the criticisms that reject it. We conclude that the metaphor carries a moment of truth in its form, although the content must be inverted. If war is a temporary suspension of the logic of accumulation by the logic of destruction, we suggest to substitute (permanently?) a logic of care for the logic of accumulation.


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Author Biography

Victor Ximenes Marques, Federal University of ABC, Santo André, SP

Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of ABC, Santo André, SP


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How to Cite

Marques, V. X. (2020). Pandemic and Antiwar: from the logic of accumulation to the logic of care. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11, e46.



Special Ed.: Pandemic and Philosophy (continuous publication)