From biopolitics to necropolitics and neoliberal rationality in the context of COVID-19




Biopolitics, Biopower, Covid-19, Necropolitics, Necropower, Neoliberal Rationality


In this article, we pretend to develop some general considerations by regarding Michel Foucault`s notion of biopolitical and biopower related with the necropolitics theory, as a death politics and an necropower exercise, proposed by cameroonian thinker Achille Mbembe, and how it is related with the pandemic disease of Covid-19. Thus, we intend to take issue with, in the light of the theoretics contributions on the reflections perpetrated by Michel Foucault, from the Biopolitics concept, and of the Necropolitics notions proposed by Mbembe, the political and ethical issues presents in the context of the pandemic outbreaks, aiming to criticize and to analyze our political current dominated by a hegemonic and intensely destructive neoliberal rationality, present in the state's management on the populations health and life conditions.


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Author Biography

Rogério Luis da Rocha Seixas, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ

Professor of Philosophy at Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, RJ


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How to Cite

Seixas, R. L. da R. (2020). From biopolitics to necropolitics and neoliberal rationality in the context of COVID-19. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11, e50.



Special Ed.: Pandemic and Philosophy (continuous publication)