Considerations about the experience of individuals in the neoliberal age from Martin Buber's thought




Me-You, I-That, Fragile existence, Neoliberalism


The present study aims to analyze the work I and Thou by Martin Buber (1878-1965), the work presents the concepts: Me-You and I-That as principle words. The I-You as a dialogical relationship, meeting between two partners mutually and the I-It as a monological relationship, of experience, use or use. The world of That if you invade and guide the ways of men to relate, they lead to perdition. In this sense, the current economic system, which governs the norms of behavior of individuals in society, corroborates that the world of That advocated by Buber becomes more present in the lives of individuals, as their experience in the neoliberal era is impaired in the name the capital that maintains its system at the expense of this experience of the subjects, where it explores and instigates competition to the detriment of solidarity and companionship, a legitimate competition that deepens contemporary individualism, where individuals succumb tragically within.


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Author Biography

Suellen Lima de Brito, Federal University of Pará, Belém, PA

Masters student of Philosophy at Federal University of Pará, Belém, PA


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How to Cite

Brito, S. L. de. (2020). Considerations about the experience of individuals in the neoliberal age from Martin Buber’s thought. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11, e30.



Special Ed.: Pandemic and Philosophy (continuous publication)