The Panopticon in the fight against Covid-19
Panopticon, Pandemics, Covid-19, Superpanoptic, Technological Post PanopticonAbstract
We propose the use of the Panopticon as the most effective weapon in the fight against pandemics. We reviewed the literature and innovated by applying it to confront Covid-19. We divided the Panopticon in two: the Superpanopticon, in society as a whole, and the Technological Post Panopticon, within hospitals. The first being a surveillance system based on high technology that permeates everything and everyone, at all times. And, the second, the physical locations that best reproduce the logic of the Panopticon in contemporary times. From the news survey, we concluded that the Panopticon is more alive than ever and that our theoretical proposals reflect what is already working, both in society and in hospitals. And that its use is highly effective because it reduces the number of new infections, guarantees the greatest possible safety for everyone, with great cost reduction and, mainly, of human losses.
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