Remember that you will die! Miseries of common life in times of scourge
Pandemic, Social Engineering, Science, Religion, ExcessivenessAbstract
Based on different topics from newspapers and reports of non-governmental organisations, this essay aims at questioning the current SARS-CoV-2 epidemic guided by what Artaud calls, in his text The theatre and the Plague, as moral deviations and psychological failures in scourges conditions. What kind of feelings a scourging situation awakens in human beings? And how do these feelings contaminate the narratives that try to capture and interpret the chaos? It will be an exercise of thinking the current moment trying to avoid struggles of prediction; an exercise of thinking the urgency stripped of its inner appeal to messianism, seeking to remain at the bare level of the scourge. Themes such as social engineering, the religious character assumed by the scientific discourses and the notion of excessiveness are used as transversal elements of analysis.Downloads
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