On the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauer





Thing-in-itself, Feeling, Abstraction, Self-knowledge, Self-consciousness, Reflection


This paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflexion in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.


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Author Biography

Roger Antonio Pérez García, Pontifical Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru

Professor of Philosophy at the Pontifical Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima, Peru


Primary bibliography

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SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. Sobre la cuádruple raíz del principio de razón suficiente. Traducción de Leopoldo Eulogio Palacios. Gredos: Madrid, 1998.

Secundary bibliography

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How to Cite

García, R. A. P. (2020). On the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauer. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11(1), 173–192. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179378642936