Ynari: the politics of the palabre in the joking of words
African Philosophy, Childhood Literature, Joke of words, PalabreAbstract
This article proposes a conversation between African philosophy and children's literature. If Africa in colonial discourses was associated with childhood, then do an investigation that is based on an African child proposes rethink what we legitimize as philosophy. The conversation will happen between the character Ynari of book Ynari – the girl of five braids of Ondjaki, and the concept of Palabre, drawn up by philosopher Jean Godefroy Bidima. Thus, the article part of the Word as the main axis of the investigation, because it appears to both Ondjaki as for Bidima as a form of interaction with the world, whether in creation, whether in the destruction. Finally, question the ideal of “neutrality of knowledge” that intends to establish a Canon, relegating the multiplicity of knowledges for epistemic unit.
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