Politics of Love and Societies of Tomorrow





Politics of love, Society of enmity, Necropolitics, Spirit, Societies of tomorrow


Starting from the current context of societies of enmity, as theorized by Achille Mbembe, this paper follows the arguments of bell hooks to think about a policy of love that may appear as a response to the ills caused by societies of enmity that sustain themselves in an image of alterity experienced from the figure of the enemy to be fought, mortified, dead. By valuing love as a practice - not just a feeling - that involves care, responsibility, affection, recognition, trust, respect, open communication, we sustain the need to build another model of society guided by the practice of love, the societies of tomorrow, that presents to the experience of black people, daily violated by racism, another way of being in the world, considering the spirit, understood by Sobonfu Somé as a dimension of existence that needs the collective type of relationships, as an unavoidable pillar.


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Author Biographies

Vinícius Rodrigues Costa da Silva, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Niterói, RJ

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology

Wanderson Flor do Nascimento, University of Brasíia, Brasília, DF

Professor of Bioethics at University of Brasíia


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How to Cite

Silva, V. R. C. da, & Nascimento, W. F. do. (2019). Politics of Love and Societies of Tomorrow. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 10, 168–182. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179378639954