Cheikh Anta Diop and his extensive lines: thought and criticism




Epistemology, African Continent, Counterpoints


The thinking of the Senegalese Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) has gained a lot of strength in Brazil after more openness to the debates that debate debates about the political tensions and clashes around the racial issue. Law No. 10.639 / 03, in which it amended the 1996 Law on the Guidelines and Bases of Education, was enacted in 2003 to include disciplines that address the histories and cultures of the African continent and its descendants in the Brazilian diaspora. This event made possible the broad knowledge of theoretical perspectives that are based on Diop. We use theoretical references that dialogue with these positions, in order to emphasize that despite political openness, counterpoints are present. Therefore, our objective is to stimulate a theoretical reflection that leads our readers to question the epistemological arrangements that today are presented as tools for political disputes in the field of ethnic-racial relations in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Fernando Santos de Jesus, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE

PhD student of Education at Federal University of Ceará


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How to Cite

Jesus, F. S. de. (2019). Cheikh Anta Diop and his extensive lines: thought and criticism. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 10, 238–255.