Existe uma filosofia schopenhaueriana da vida? A questão da espécie como Ideia





Species, life, Bergson


Is there a Schopenhauer's philosophy of life? Much evidence might have you think so, but raises a potent barrier against this statement: the Shopenhauer's determination of species as idea, i.e., as Platonic essence. But a closer examination of Schopenhauer's notion of "idea", which this article strives to lead well,allows the perception that the Schopenhauer's "Idea" is above all an act, perhaps an act of the very nature of what Bergson called the "simple". Thus, it is possible to understand the late and not well known texts of Schopenhauer, in which he appears, contrary to which he held so far, to accept the idea of evolution.


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Author Biography

Arnaud François, Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail, Toulouse

Doutor pela Université Lille 3, professor da Université Toulouse II-Le Mirail


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How to Cite

François, A. (2011). Existe uma filosofia schopenhaueriana da vida? A questão da espécie como Ideia. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 2(2), 31–43. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179378634076



Will, nature and specie