The strategic use of Schopenhauer made by Nietzsche in "On Genealogy of morals"
Ethics, Aesthetics, InterestAbstract
The main goal of this paper is to point out to some features of the way how the appropriation of a philosopher is made by another. It also intends to show the motives that bring a philosopher to make use of this procedure when he wants to express his own insights. As a field of investigation, we choose the passages of the third dissertation of On Genealogy of Morals, in which Nietzsche makes use of Schopenhauer. Regarding the methodology, we resume a known debate: the Kantian interpretation of the beautiful as Schopenhauer interprets it. The aim of such a resumption consists of listing some elements of our hypothesis, that is, in On Genealogy of Morals Nietzsche appeals to his predecessor, not to confute him, but by virtue of the advantages that Schopenhauer's arguments support Nietzsche's own critique of morality.Downloads
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