Newton, Goethe and Schopenhauer on the colors: between quality and quantity


  • Gabriel Valladão Silva Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP



Newton, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Colors, Quantity and quality


This paper intends to trace a panorama of the relations between the observations of Newton, Goethe and Schopenhauer on colors, and to situate them in the history of thought on the subject. To that end, we take as a philosophical leitmotif of our analysis the relation between quantity and quality, which is represented in different ways within the works of these authors regarding the theory of color.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Valladão Silva, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP

Doutorando em Filosofia pela Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP).


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How to Cite

Silva, G. V. (2016). Newton, Goethe and Schopenhauer on the colors: between quality and quantity. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 7(1), 15–56.