Schopenhauerian influences in young Horkheimer’s “Sehnsucht”
Horkheimer, Schopenhauer, Sehnsucht, Nostalgia, Frankfurt SchoolAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine Schopenhauer’s influence in young Max Horkheimer’s writings: “Aus der Pubertät” and “Dämmerung”: Notizen in Deutschland, 1926-1931. These works contain the description of a significant interior attitude that characterizes throughout the german Romanticism: the Sehnsucht, a longing between a past’s nostalgia and a happiness craving. Horkheimer had read Schopenhauer’s writings in this interior mood. Schopenhauer's pessimism had helped Horkheimer to demystify reality and history and therefore it had represented his whole thought’s background. Furthermore this influence had shaped his reception of previous and contemporary philosophies’ assumptions, in particular Marxism and Idealism. The focus on the pessimistic-schopenhauerian background is essential to find out his inspiring imprints of the whole Frankfurt School’s thinking.
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