Pessimism and wisdom in Schopenhauer
Wisdom, Pessimism, Existence, AsceseAbstract
The article analyzes Schopenhauer’s thesis that “our whole existence is something that would be better if it were not, and that the supreme wisdom [die größte Weisheit] consists in denying it and rejecting it”. After examining this thesis, I try to show its possible defects. Although in this text I briefly consider the Aphorisms on the wisdom of life, since my purpose is the discussion of the supreme wisdom and not the immanent sense of a wisdom of life, I leave aside the analysis and discussion of exposed eudemonology in Parerga for the sake of a look at the themes of pessimism and denial of will, clearly connected with the idea of the supreme wisdom defended by Schopenhauer in the passage quoted above. I do so because I do not want, at least here, take the risk to abandon the higher ethical-metaphysical point of view of Schopenhauer’s philosophy.Downloads
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