Walter Benjamin: memory and knowledge of the present
History, Knowledge, Contemporary philosophy, Political philosophyAbstract
In On the Concept of History, Walter Benjamin seeks to understand how the rise of fascism was possible throughout the 1930s in Europe. Contending with social democracy and Stalinism the use of the Marxist “method” of knowledge of the present, historical materialism, Benjamin seeks a philosophy of history that is capable of understanding it beyond the bourgeois idea of progress that would have been responsible for the misunderstanding about fascism. Our article seeks to clarify this conception by establishing a relationship between it and the ideas of narration, experience, memory and modernity, present in the 1936 essay The Narrator, as well as some points of Benjamin's theory of knowledge. The goal is to understand fascism not merely as the opposite of progress, but as the offspring of progress, part of the era called modernity, in which individualism precludes common experiences and shared memory.Downloads
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