Integrated Academic Journey by the documental perspective – a heritage translated in book




Documentary heritage, Record, UFSM


This study proposes an analysis of the procedures that culminated in the production of the UFSM Integrated Academic Journey Book - Historical Documentary Record. The Integrated Academic Journey of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) is an event held since 1984 in the city of Santa Maria / RS, where the headquarters of the sexagenarian institution is located, the first university based in the interior of a Brazilian state, in 1960. The book was produced as the final product of a Professional Master's Dissertation in Cultural Heritage and the precepts of archival theory were considered when seeking the recovery of information, its gathering and organization, thus making a diffusion of the documentary collection in physical and digital support. The methodological aspects that allowed the elaboration of the product and the results found in the researches carried out, as well as the analysis of the documentary collection will be presented in this article.


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How to Cite

Pilla, A. H., & Pedrazzi, F. K. (2022). Integrated Academic Journey by the documental perspective – a heritage translated in book. Revista Sociais E Humanas, 35(1).



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