


Structuring theory, Social Innovation, Collaborative Networks, Local Development, Creative Economy


This case study investigated the motivations for the formation of a Collaborative Network, its structuring bases, and the influences of this Network in the local contexto highlighting the role, in society, of collaborative networks as sociocultural strategies capable of promoting Social Innovation (IS). This research highlights how the adoption of collaboration networks influences IS? The relevance of this study is to open a space for multidisciplinary reflection, articulating theoretical bases of Structuring Theory (TE) and IS. It was tried to bring to the centrality of the debate the role of the agents and the socio-creative processes in the local development. As a result of the discussions, agency power emerges. This power identified in the social integration of the Network, presented as legitimate presuppositions constructs related to the memory, identity and representation of intangible cultural elements linked to both the local cultural history and the network’s final objectives. It is also necessary to clarify that for TE, the theoretical lens chosen for the analysis, agency power is not the actor’s individual experience, nor any form of social totality but “social practices ordered in time and space” (GIDDENS, 2009). It is suggested as future studies the investigation of the level of consciousness of these agents about the agency power they hold, and of how this theoretical-empirical appropriation could influence the behavior of the agents to maximize the Network’s performance in promoting IS.


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Author Biographies

Schirlei Stock Ramos, Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM

PhD student in the Graduate program in Administration (PPGA) at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Master in management of public organizations by the graduate program in administration of UFSM. Graduated in administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande (Furg), specialist in public administration and city management by Fatec International. Graduated in accounting at technical level. Interests directed to the area of analysis and organizational culture, sociology of organizations and administration of the third sector and in the public sphere. He served as an administrative technician in the graduate program in Urban and Regional planning, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and as administrator at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Currently it is crowded at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) where he is a member of the research group Technologies, Innovation and society.

Debora Bobsin, Federal University of Santa Marian - UFSM

PhD in administration from the School of Administration-UFRGS (2012). Professor of the Department of Administrative Sciences (DCA/CCSH/UFSM).


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