Theories of Herzberg and Mcgregor: a comparative between public and private administrative sectors
Theory of Two Factors, Theory X and Y, Public sector, Private sector, ComparativeAbstract
This work aimed to compare how the satisfaction factors of Herzberg’s Theory and the assumptions of Douglas McGregor’s X and Y Theory are perceived in the public and private sectors. Thus, the existing theoretical gap in relation to studies that confront these two sectors, considering the two theories worked, is attenuated. The Herzberg factors that presented the highest average were: help from colleagues (public sector) and appreciate the type of work (private sector). In the private sector, in terms of gender, the quantitative indicators suggest that women consider their work position to be more the ideal that the men and the people who hold positions of management consider themselves more satisfied, proud of the company, feel their opinion more valued and trust employees more. In the public sector, people who exercise a leadership role consider their work position closer to the ideal and feel more fulfilled and the higher the level of schooling, the more people consider themselves to be well paid. As for the assumptions of the Theory X and Y, there was a greater preponderance of results in relation to the Theory Y in both sectors, and the variable that stood out the most in the two samples was related to responsibility. In the private sector, it was verified that the age factor influences the preference of respondents to the responsibility for security.Downloads
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