Working conditions and worker satisfaction
Working conditions, Motivation for work, Job satisfaction, Collaboration” of the workerAbstract
This article aims to demonstrate that the forms of organization of work process affect the satisfaction of workers, and, as a result, determine, in large part, the possibilities of success or failure of companies. Business efficiency and effectiveness depend on more of the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of the tasks of the set of workers than the technological and organizational modernization. Workers who are at work the opportunity of realization of their potential of intelligence, creativity, critical spirit and initiative work more and better for it are an opportunity for personal and professional growth and satisfy their needs for esteem and self-fulfillment, and, therefore, guarantee the effectiveness and business efficiency, as have shown the authors’ research for this article. This is the challenge of capital: motivate the employee to work to reduce your resistance to capitalist conditions of work and do it “collaborate”.
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