The 13th Amendment as a political project of denial of rights to the black population
Mass incarceration, Documentary, The 13th amendment, Colonialism, RacismAbstract
The article seeks to discus the issues related to the mass incarceration of the black population from the analysis of the documentary the 13th Amendment (Netflix, 2016), by making correlations between Brazil and the United States in the conduct of their state policies travestidas "public security". As justification, it is presented the constant need for the propagation of studies that clarify the complexity of racial issues in countries structured by colonialism, with research as a question: the communion of similarities between countries regarding the exercise of punitive state power against bodies racialized by colonialism. Its objectives combine efforts to discuss how racism operates to elect black and brown people as enemies of the state and society, from the racial stereotypes built and disseminated on them by the hegemonic media. The critical argumentation will reflect on racism, colonialism and the justice system, being Foucault (2015), Angela Davis (2016) and Silvio de Almeida (2019) some bibliographic exponents of the qualitative technical study. As a result, the author comes out in defense of filmic language as a tool for illustrating a central problem for reducing social disparities in Brazil: our daily racism.
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