The activity of the social educator in the Social Assistance policy of Presidente Kenendy (ES)
Education, Social Pedagogy, Social Education, Social Educator, Social Assistance PolicyAbstract
This article is the result of a research that aimed to understand the work of the social educator with the vulnerable population in the municipality of Presidente Kennedy/ES. The study discusses the emergence of social pedagogy and social education in the Brazilian scenario, seeking to understand the profile of this professional, the contexts of his performance and his importance. Based on authors such as Caliman (2010), Carvalho (2014), Jaccoud, Bichir and Mesquita (2017), Carmo (2016), Santos, Araújo and Baumgarten (2016), Pereira (2019), Bravin, Paiva and Pinel (2020) ), Valente (2020), Silva, Silva and Menezes (2021), a literature review was carried out, in addition to field research also conducted through interviews that included semi-structured questionnaires directed at social educators, as well as practices observed and monitored of these professionals in two different units, the CRAS and the CREAS of the municipality where the research was carried out. The results expressed a praxis endowed with essential elements, which require psychological preparation, empathy, common sense, listening, active search, social responsibility and intervening profile from the professional, but which, together, allow inferences in vulnerable contexts and possible social transformations.
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