Edgard Roquette-Pinto and the Rehabilitation of the “Brazilian Man”
Roquette-Pinto, Racial theories, Miscegenation, Anthropology, Brazilian populationAbstract
This article analyzes the scientific and intellectual trajectory of Edgard Roquette-Pinto, in particular his attempts to prove, within the racial (and racist) paradigms in force in Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, that the Brazilian population was not “inferior” or “degenerate” as the theories in vogue at the time stated. The methodology used here is based on a bibliographic and documentary review, covering the works of the aforementioned author, his biographies, commentators on his work and documents such as minutes of congresses, meetings and scientific reports. The results attempt to argue that, although his work often appears paradoxical (as he used the same language and methods as racial theorists), a large part of his academic career was dedicated to rehabilitating and dignifying our mixed-race population against those who slandered it.
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