Morality and arbitrariness: a look at the relationship between public agents and Bolsa Família beneficiaries
Bolsa Família implementation, Arbitrary, Stigma, Gender, Moral effectsAbstract
This article aims to contribute to the analysis of the local implementation process of the Bolsa Família Program. In addition to its stated objectives, we seek to understand how arbitrariness, prejudice and stigmas are constructed both in the relationship between public agents and beneficiaries and in the context of interaction between beneficiaries and their neighbors. As a methodological basis, we conducted 70 in-depth interviews with three large groups: beneficiary families (legal wife, spouse / partner and adolescents), institutional actors (Social Assistants, Health Agent, Teacher, Bolsa Família Coordinator and Registrars) and neighbors (not beneficiaries of Bolsa Família, but who have more or less the same socioeconomic status). The research was carried out in a periphery of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. There, we visited several spaces where the beneficiaries pass, such as: schools, health centers, coordination of Bolsa Família and the registration sector, Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) and popular restaurant.Downloads
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