The representation of Ceilândia and its inhabitants in the cinema of Adirley Queirós
Adirley Queirós, Ceilândia/DF, Ficção-científica, Cinema brasileiro, Identidade e diferençaAbstract
The paper analyzes the work of Adirley Queirós, film director settled in Ceilândia, the biggest satellitecity of Brasília, location and meta-text of his movies. Ceilândia rises from the resettlement of the poor/colored population from the Pilot Plan to its surroundings during the civil military dictatorship. This kind of segregation, that imbricates social class and racialization, contradicts the principles of horizontality from the modernism wich inspired the design of Brasília (Holston, 1993; Gouvêa, 1998), and is approached on Queirós’ cinema through the glance of those expelled from it. The set of movies here analyzed transits between documental and fictional regims, sometimes problematizing these borders; simultaneously refering to a certain social “reality” experienced by the represented subjects and speculating about these spaces, identities and differences of Brasília and Ceilândia, sporadically exacerbating the effects of this differentiation trough scifi elements. Starting from the paradygm of the Cultural Studies, the papers focuses on the simbolic construction of Ceilândia and it’s inhabitants on the Queirós’ work, considering the formal dimensions of these films in it’s dialog with the sociohistorical context in which these narratives fit in
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