Following the construction of facts and mapping networks: brazilian electronic urns are reliable?
Theory Actor-Network, Controversy, Technical democracy, 2018 Brazilian Election, Electronic urnAbstract
This article describes the controversy about the reliability of Brazilian electronic urns, in the context of the 2018 presidential elections, using the theoretical and methodological lens of the Actor-Network Theory (TAR) by Bruno Latour et al. The de- limitation of the empirical field encompasses the period between the final result of the 2014 presidential elections and the 2018 electoral election. Concerning this, this paper intends the relation between democratic participation in the choice of representatives of the people and the use of the electronic urns as a mediator of personal choice and election results. Methodologically, the cartography of the controversies (Latour, 2016) is used to capture the movements of the phrase “electronic urns are reliable” in front of a context of fierce disputes that marked the Brazilian electoral scenario. The network exposes how the dynamic of contention between opposing groups operates and also how one statement is strengthened and stabilized over another. The network allows us to question that when techno-science functionality is questioned, it is possible, through a context of technical democratization (Callon et al., 2014), to expand the frontiers between technicians and lay people to strengthen the voting system in Brazil.
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