Fears, absences and redefinitions: idiosyncrasies of senegalese immigration in southern of the Brazil


  • João Carlos Tedesco Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), Passo Fundo, RS




Senegalese immigration, Work, Religion, Acculturation, Social integration


The article analyzes the senegalese immigration in the central-north of Rio Grande do Sul; discussing the fact that it is a recent immigration and, accordingly, that, produces involvement in the social field; centralizes the representations, reactions, comments and positions of the autochthonous. Through questionnaires and oral narratives, the article pretend to describe the complex, costly, and dangerous ways to reach Brazil per Ecuador, as well as to integrate and insert yourself into the regional society. It is concluded that family, work and religious belief form a tripod that feeds, justifies and allows to face the adversities that the reality of immigrant presents. It emphasizes that immigrants and representative societies fear possible cultural changes that the integrative process in the destination society has been producing, mainly around what they say been “abrasileirar-se”(become brazilian). Finally, the article concludes that Senegalese immigrants organize strategies and rituals, in their daily lives, to face the fears of the lost the cultural references and solidarity that characterized them in the first few years in the destination society.


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How to Cite

Tedesco, J. C. (2018). Fears, absences and redefinitions: idiosyncrasies of senegalese immigration in southern of the Brazil. Século XXI: Journal of Social Sciences, 8(1), 15–46. https://doi.org/10.5902/2236672535665