Outsourcing reverse and flexibility: return to vertical integration and the drive to polyvalence.
outsourcing reverse, outsourcing, polyvalence, steelmaking, flexibility.Abstract
This research aims to analyze the process of flexibilization of work organization based on changes in personnel management such as outsourcing and outsourcing reverse processes, and polyvalence. From the case study of a steel production unit, we will seek to understand how outsourcing reverse process combined with polyvalence allows the expansion of flexibilization and the reduction of part of the workers' resistance against accumulation of functions. This research was based on interviews with enterprise's outsourced and direct workers, former employees, and with trade unionists and former union members of the Metalworkers' Union. Also used in the drafting of the text were union bulletins and lawsuits filed at the Labor Court regarding the outsourcing reverse process and the practice of polyvalence in the steel industry. The outsourcing reverse process and the return to a more vertical management of workforce has been developed along with the increase of polyvalence, expanding flexibility and reducing the number of jobs.Downloads
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