Cooperation Networks as Strategy for Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises: The case Petrogas network
Cooperation network, Internationalization, Small and medium enterprisesAbstract
Small and medium enterprises - SMEs have technical and operational limitations that often prevent them from entering the international market. However, these limitations can be neutralized by means of cooperation networks, assuming that the joint action between organizations to deliver the necessary resources for internationalization. Given this context, the present study aimed to analyze how the Cooperation Network of Supply Chain Oil & Gas of Sergipe - Petrogas Network contributes to the internationalization of small and medium enterprises - SMEs associated with that network. After conducting a qualitative study using the method of case study research using the analytical model adapted de Brito (1993), it was evident that Petrogas network provides access to various strategic and operational benefits that enable SMBs, linked to the network , gather the resources needed to operate in the foreign market, which, if acting alone, would probably not be achieved.Downloads
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