The experiences narratives in the formative artesanias of images of itself and its potentialities: tessituras of the time and the memory
Time, Memories crafted by the elderly, Narrative of imagesAbstract
This article is the result of a (re)visit to the records of a textile frame with images created by the elderly as a presentation of themselves articulated with a diary of the experiences produced by the researcher, reflexively triggering concepts about memory and time. Cartographic approach study that unfolds from a narrative research, in a space/time of non-formal education with a group of elderly, mobilized by the questions: how is time and memory intertwined with narrative experiences in the artisans of the images themselves? And how can these experiences from the weaver enhance the training practices of their subjects? The weaving memories of lives written artfully generated reflections on the created images, considering their flows between time and memory in the search for (re)meet the subjects involved in the project as reconstructors of looks on their lives.
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