‘Reaching for the Moon’: lesbianity and the spatiality of closets and heterotopias
Movie theater, sexualities, heterotopic spaces.Abstract
In this article, we intend to discuss lesbianity and movie theater, interweaving concepts from the ‘imaginary of waters’, ‘closets’ and ‘heterotopias’. This writing has an objective to analyze the encounter between movie theater and the field of sexualities based on three clippings from scenes in the movie Reaching for the Moon (2013), direction by Bruno Barreto. In this case, we understand movie theater as an inventor of a pedagogy of look, the visual culture, which reveals subjectivities and modes of existence from its addressing ways. The analysis of the images was based on the scenes visualization as well as from the intersection with the theoretical framework. Finally, the story of Reaching for the Moon (2013) proved to be engaging and the subject of problematization and analysis taking into account the love between women, ‘the water’, the spatialities and the geographies of the bodies present in the images.
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