Dissident poetics in the urgent art: an indisciplinary principle in the contrasexual society
Art, Dissident poetics, Urgent art, Contrasexual societyAbstract
The world is inhabited by different bodies, which produce in their experiences instaurative urgencies of thoughts and actions, as well as modes of conduct and resistance. It is by betting on the power of these multiple bodies that we launch in this text a look at the dissident poetics that circulate and promote the creative and political encounter of abject voices (of the bodies, read as insignificant and monstrous), queer (strange bodies) and contrasexuals (of the society that rejects the sexual labels). Voices, bodies and existences that echo and rebel against this colonizing system of capitalist-neoliberal power, centered on patriarchy and whiteness. In view of the disruptive power of these dissenting poetics, we will analyze in this article some contemporary art productions, which we will call here of urgent art, since they are configured as artistic manifestations that affirm the body as a multitude and are positioned within a contrasexual society (PRECIADO, 2014). Using the Queer Theory and the contributions of the philosophy of difference of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, we present here a cartography of dissident artists who claim a multiple body and affirm life in its infinite diversity. Feminist artists such as Valie Export and Marcia X, as well as other artists who express what we call urgent art, will be analyzed and presented here as a way of resisting and/or figuring ways of living and desiring that undermine the norms that tend to dock our subjectivities.
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