Encounters that affect and generate pedagogical knowledge among teachers through visual cartographies
Post-qualitative research, affections, Research from theory, Cartographies, Pedagogical knowledge, Teacher's learningAbstract
This article is part of a research project on how secondary school teachers learn. A peculiarity of this project is that it questions different dualities typical of qualitative research: the relationship between researchers and researched is assumed from a plot of relationships and not from a separating distance; the generation of evidence is carried through an experience of configuring visual cartographies that allow to expand meanings and question the dualism between images and words; the analysis does not pretend to extract a truth from the data, but it is configured as a process of thinking on concepts that allows to research from theory; the very notion of 'data' is revised, as something is not considered as ‘out there' but it is generated in the encounters among actors; finally, the research does not end only in academic publications, but in new meetings with teachers, where the practice of teachers development is carried out to generate pedagogical knowledge in a shared way. One of these training experiences is the focus of this paper. This experience is related to the notion of `affection' which is situated in a network of relational intra-actions that generate transformations in the participant actors.
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