Study, research and production of knowledge in the hermeneutic-philosophical horizon


  • Maria Regina Regina Johann Unijuí - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul



Historical consciousness, Dialogue, Openness, Other, Knowledge


Philosophical hermeneutics argues in favor of language and thought in the horizon of meanings constructed by a historical consciousness. It evidences the dialogue as the human way of understanding and self-understanding and highlights the question as the fundamental element of knowledge. This essay draws on these grounds to present the notion of research as the historical tradition that is updated in the fusion of the horizon of senses of each researcher. It presents the notion of historical consciousness as the framework in which we realize our understanding of the world from inherited preconceptions. It emphasizes dialogue and knowledge as areas of authentic experience and develops the notion of the prior project of understanding as a structuring dimension of access to the text. It allows the understanding that research, constrained by the logic of academic productivism, restricts the experience of access to alterity of the text and the possibility of understanding and self-transformation.


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Author Biography

Maria Regina Regina Johann, Unijuí - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul

Professora do Departamento de Humanidades e Educação  da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul.



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How to Cite

Johann, M. R. R. (2018). Study, research and production of knowledge in the hermeneutic-philosophical horizon. Revista Digital Do LAV, 11(3), 082–097.