Alejandro Pasquale’s masked children


  • Cristiane Weber Universidade Feevale



Alejandro Pasquale, Sign, Poetic, Art, Memories


This paper aims to analyze three paintings of the Maskaras series by the Argentinean Alejandro Pasquale through the theoretical perspective of the signs and the syntagmatic chain that allows us to understand how the contemporary artist expresses his feelings and memories in his masked children. Authors such as Oliveira (2005), Barbisan (1995), and Barthes (2004) present the theoretical framework on signs and their meaning processes, while Bachelard (1993), Izquierdo (2002), and Halbwachs (2003) are presented to discuss poetic and memories. The methodologies used are the applied semiotics by Santaella (2005) and the microscopic phenomenology by Bachelard (1993). As a result, I present the poetic composition of the paintings with a sensitive appeal to the artist's personal history with the loss of a nephew and the rescue of his own childhood.


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Author Biography

Cristiane Weber, Universidade Feevale

Doutoranda e Mestre em Processos e Manifestações Culturais pela Universidade Feevale. Jornalista . Coordenadora de Comunicação no Instituto do Cérebro do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS.


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How to Cite

Weber, C. (2018). Alejandro Pasquale’s masked children. Revista Digital Do LAV, 11(1), 083–102.