Literary aporias: borgean issues in education


  • Máximo Daniel Lamela Adó UFRGS



Reading, Literature, Borges, Education


This paper approaches a certain universe of the Borgean literature from three points unfolded in Education themes. They are signs attempting to point out to the reader an emphasis on the ways of reading as active precursors of an imagination police in Education. Such police converts literature into a device that composes, together with the reading act, a state of poetic humor that drags the classifying impetuses to the field of potencies of the imaginary. This emphasis on the ways of reading may be evidenced in the following aspects: 1) Borges’ invention (the subjectivation as a variation effect), 2) Knowledge as fabulation (the erosion of truth as essence), and 3) Anachronism as a didactic procedure (a didactics of ways of reading).


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Author Biography

Máximo Daniel Lamela Adó, UFRGS

Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Ensino e Currículo da Faculdade de Educação da UFRGS. Pesquisador na Linha de Pesquisa Filosofias da Diferença e Educação PPGEDU/UFRGS.



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How to Cite

Adó, M. D. L. (2016). Literary aporias: borgean issues in education. Revista Digital Do LAV, 9(2), 133–145.