About (finishing the) studio in the university


  • Jorge Larrosa Universidade de Barcelona




Studio, University, Reading, Book


The text explores the disappearing of the studio in the university, especially in the Humanities, establishing relations with the end of the alphabetic mentality (Iván Illich), the culture of Humanism (Bernard Stiegler), as well as the transformation of space, time, materialities, and subjects who composed the old university since its medieval origins until the complete triumph of cognitive capitalism and knowledge commodification. What is finishing the studio is the subordination of the university to the mechanism of “professionalization” (with what it presupposes of subordination to the labor market), the mechanism of “investigation” (completely commodified) and the mechanism of “learning” (completely individualized).


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Author Biography

Jorge Larrosa, Universidade de Barcelona

Professor de Filosofia da Educação na Universidade de Barcelona. É doutor em Pedagogia e realizou estudos de pós-doutorado no Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Londres e no Centro Michel Foucault da Sorbonne, em Paris.


AGAMBEN, Giorgio. “Idea del estudio”, en Idea de la prosa. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo, 2014.

ARENDT, Hannah. “¿Dónde estamos cuando pensamos? En La vida del espíritu. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1984.

CALEY, David. Conversaciones con Iván Illich. Madrid: Enclave de libros, 2013. Sobre el (acabamiento del) estudio en la universidad

ILLICH, Iván. En el viñedo del texto. Etología de la lectura: un comentario al ‘Didascalion’ de Hugo de San Víctor. México: FCE, 2002.

LORAUX, Nicole. La invención de Atenas. Historia de la oración fúnebre en la ciudad clásica. Buenos Aires: Katz, 2012.

MASSCHELEIN, Jan; SIMONS, Maarte. “The University: a public issue”, en BARNETT, R. (Ed.) The future university. Ideas and possibilities. New York: Taylos and Francis, 2011.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Sobre el porvenir de nuestras escuelas. Barcelona: Tusquets, 2000.

SLOTERDIJK, Peter. Normas para el parque humano. Madrid: Siruela, 2000.

SLOTERDIJK, Peter. Muerte aparente en el pensar. Sobre la filosofía y la ciencia como ejercicio. Madrid: Siruela, 2013.

STIEGLER, Bernard. Prendre soin. De la jeunesse et des générations. Paris: Flammarion, 2008.



How to Cite

Larrosa, J. (2016). About (finishing the) studio in the university. Revista Digital Do LAV, 9(2), 114–132. https://doi.org/10.5902/1983734823516