Visual interventions in the urban environment as a catalyst focus in the teaching of art
Teaching of the visual arts, Urbane interventions, Supervised traineeshipAbstract
The present article has since objective presents the development and the results of an inquiry carried out for the discipline of Supervised Traineeship referring to the Course of Degree course in Drawing and Plastic surgery of the Federal University of Santa Maria, in the corresponding period to the second semester of 2007. Developed in the State School Dr. Walter Jobim located in the city Santa Maria/RS, the inquiry was destined boarding questions referring to the visual interventions, like the grafites and the spraying found in the urbane way, when Maria is focusing the Saint's city. Since you dock theoreticians, reflections were used about the education for a critical understanding of the art and you knew them teachers, as well as in the discussion of the Teaching of the Art in the contemporaneousness based on the conceptions of Franz (2003), Hernández (2000), Barbosa (1991 - 2005), Zabala (1998) and Efland (2005) enter others that subsidized this inquiry in the context of the visual arts.Downloads
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