Two storytellers: intersections between art and special education


  • Daniela Medeiros
  • Daniele Noal Gai



Arts, Special Education, Scenic and Pedagogical Intervention


This article approaches some fissures between Arts – Special Education, based on an experience during my Special Education course, during the cognitive deficit training. The training was in a Special Class group at a public school in Santa Maria/RS/Brazil, emphasizing that during all experimental period, I counted on participation and presence of a friend and training partner (Pati) and teacher orientation (Daniele). This work will be descript in plural, because the moments that helped to write it involved more people than me: friends, teachers, students and also characters, comprehending the generated process propose. The training propose searched the Arts as a new practical and investigation supposition in Special Education area, such as on the constitution of people labeled with the cognitive deficit. Beginning from Literature, it was make use of Scenic and Visual Arts as partners in the search of knowledge process, bringing new moments and sensations for some students. We searched other possible methods, even though risky, to instigate and provoke the search: the search for the new, for the unknown, for the knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Daniela Medeiros

Educadora Especial

Daniele Noal Gai

Professora Substituta do Departamento de Educação Especial, UFSM


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How to Cite

Medeiros, D., & Gai, D. N. (2010). Two storytellers: intersections between art and special education. Revista Digital Do LAV, 2(2), 196–214.