Teaching Visual Arts at UFSM: from its genesis to the present
Visual Arts teaching, Historical memory, Political-Pedagogical ProjectAbstract
The following article is the result of a research which studied how the process of Visual Art teacher formation developed at the Federal University of Santa Maria – RS, in terms of curricular memory from its genesis up to the present moment. As it refers documentary analysis in the sense of checking whole historical process of curricular building for teacher formation, this research aimed at entering the curricular entanglement which was evidence, in the different Political-Pedagogical Projects that have been established in forty years. After having studied existing documents at the Centre of Arts and Languages at the Rectory and egress school curricula, it was possible to build a curricula memory of the Educational Training degree in Visual Arts, working it from its genesis up to day. At moments there have been more than one Political-Project at the same time, due to the fact that the creation of a new course doesn’t necessarily implies the immediate extinction of the old one. The importance of this study is justified by the building of programs which embody teaching, research and extension, once it is a review on public policies and conceptions of the teaching of Visual Arts in the last forty years in Brazil.Downloads
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