Arte Contemporânea na Educação Infantil: uma proposta de estágio


  • Sheila Maddalozzo Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Rebeca Amorim Universidade Regional de Blumenau



Contemporary Art, Child Education, Aesthetics


The article relates the experience of students from the Visual Arts major at the University of Blumenau Regional - FURB, during the course of Curricular Supervised Internship II in Visual Arts, lectured by me in the second half of 2006, which addressed the Contemporary Art in Children Education. The theme was chosen due to the difficulty of assessing contemporary art, as the general public has little contact with this kind of artistic production and even less with the new concepts of appreciation required for such. Believing that visual education begins early, it was decided to develop this theme with the children, initiating them into contact with contemporary art, questioning if they would be able to its enjoyment. The premise was that the theme would find acceptance among children, as they possess great openness of mind, an indispensable condition for the appreciation of contemporary art. Three teams of students have accepted the challenge and developed projects within this theme, each with a specific approach: 1) The contemporary art from the naïve perspective of a child, 2) Contemporary Art: preparing the eyes of the child, 3) A dialogue between the languages of art and the contemporary art echoing in Children’s Education. The internships were held, respectively, at Arno Zadrosny School and in two Centers of Children Education, Augusto Köester and Érica Braun, all in the city of Blumenau. The results were broadly satisfactory and confirmed our initial assumption, that the child can develop criteria for production and enjoyment of contemporary art.


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Author Biographies

Sheila Maddalozzo, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduação em Artes Plásticas / Licenciatura pela UDESC, Doutora em História da Arte pela SORBONNE, na Universidade de Paris I

Rebeca Amorim, Universidade Regional de Blumenau

Graduação em Licenciatura em Artes Visuais pela Universidade Regional de Blumenau, FURB


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How to Cite

Maddalozzo, S., & Amorim, R. (2010). Arte Contemporânea na Educação Infantil: uma proposta de estágio. Revista Digital Do LAV, 1(1), 116–130.