Visual narrative and interpretative representation: the contribution of new illustration trends for critical thinking in adolescents


  • Célia Mestre



Illustration, Art Education, Visual Communication, Critical Thinking


The fact that the illustrator feels, today, part of a globalized world and a citizen belonging to that world, which is getting smaller every day, offers new stories and new ways of seeing and interpreting what's around us.

Over the following pages, we propose new ways of viewing critical thinking of adolescents in the context of art education, particularly in the exploration of new trends in illustration.

As educators, we must remind ourselves of the responsibility of monitoring the adolescents in their transition to adulthood. We shall seek to provide alternatives, allowing the young to build reading of reality, in their growth and maturity.


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How to Cite

Mestre, C. (2014). Visual narrative and interpretative representation: the contribution of new illustration trends for critical thinking in adolescents. Revista Digital Do LAV, 7(2), 156–174.