Research Guiding Points

1. Article number
2. Date of Opinion
3. Title
4. Does the text belong to the area of Education?
5. Does the text have an article or essay format?
6. Does the abstract present all parts of the article (purpose, methodology and summary of results) and is written impersonally?
7. Is the text clear in its form, linguistic and structural, and in constructed arguments?
8. Does the text present a clear introduction, stating the objectives of the work?
9. Are the reflections, the data presented and the ideas developed clear and well elaborated?
10. Is the text written with theoretical and methodological rigor in order to clarify both the proposition and the analytical course?
11. Does the text present clear conclusions, pointing to contributions to the area?
12. Does the text provide adequate, sufficient and up-to-date references?
13. Does the text present originality in the form of problematization and / or in the theoretical-methodological elements?
14. In the whole do you classify the text as?
15. Comment on the text, justifying the reasons for the acceptance or rejection of the article (relevance, comprehensiveness, depth of the topic, work structure, conclusions and contributions to the area of Education). Discuss the modifications to be made, if necessary.