Transversality and higher education: by a dialetical recurrence of teach-learning


  • Paulo Gomes Lima


Teaching academical, Transversality, Dialogicity.


The objective of this work is to problematizes the academical teaching at the present team through the projection of the pedagogic intervention centered in the individuals’ understanding, in the adapts of your historically and in the disposition in your new directions actions the decisive of the quality of the teaching, across goes intentional systematic of the theoretical and methodological point of view, including significant knowledge. It goes significant knowledge understands each other those knowledge that give basis to the student, to the teacher and equal it goes your ambient reality without, however, to forget historically of the contributions produced in the several fields of the knowledge and stiller enlarging your vision the historical subject that makes the history and it goes her it is also responsible. Of the teacher’s point of view, this reading is rendered to problematizes your professional itinerary the permanent space of formation, what requests the traverse dimension and dialógic.

How to Cite

Lima, P. G. (2008). Transversality and higher education: by a dialetical recurrence of teach-learning. Education, 33(3), 457–468. Retrieved from



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