Mental health of female teacher and the effects of the pandemic on their teaching in Basic Education: a look from the gender perspective
Basic Education, Women in Teaching, COVID-19 PandemicAbstract
This article aims to discuss the mental health of Basic Education teachers, as well as to understand the effects of the pandemic on their teaching from a gender perspective. This is a review of national and international literature, anchored in a bibliographical survey carried out from scientific articles, legal documents, books, and websites. The study is divided into five topics to facilitate the reader’s understanding. These are: 1) Methodological paths followed; 2) The theoretical debate around the function of the state, family, and society in offering Education in pandemic times; 3) Effects of the pandemic on the mental health of Basic Education teachers; 4) Being a teacher, being a woman in Basic Education: difficulties and overcoming in teaching during pandemic times; and 5) Final considerations. It can be noticed that the COVID-19 pandemic transformed the lives of women teachers, directly affecting their personal and professional lives. Each woman experienced and continues to experience adverse situations in a particular way. Specifically, it is recognized that these stressful events in the context of Basic Education can also teach us since it is not enough to talk about Remote Teaching provided in a home-office format by female teachers, but it is necessary to refer to the context in which most of them are inserted during this type of work since they are subject to mental illnesses generated by elements related to teaching, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. We conclude that the development of psychological interventions is necessary to promote the mental health of these teachers.
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