Special education: resource classrooms’ service at the municipal schools in the city of São Paulo


  • Rosângela Gavioli Prieto
  • Sandra Maria Zákia Lian Sousa


Special Education, Educational Policy, City of São Paulo.


This study looks at the educational policy focused on special education students developed by the Municipal Secretary for Education in the city of Sao Paulo (SME-SP, in Portuguese), implemented through the Decree 33,891 from December 16th, 1993. This policy establishes integration of special education students to regular schools and the creation of Classrooms for Special Education Students (SAPNE, in Portuguese) in order to support these students and complement their education. This paper characterizes the generals and specific goals in the special education legislation, and analyzes the process of implementation of the resource classrooms, in order to shed some light in the current public policy debate at municipal level. Data used in this analysis are both the official documents and registers from the SME-SP Division of Special Education, and also questionnaires administered to the teachers who worked at resource rooms in 2004. The analysis of the results point out to questionings regarding the educational policy which can be used to formulate and implement special education policies in the city of Sao Paulo, and other places.

How to Cite

Prieto, R. G., & Sousa, S. M. Z. L. (2007). Special education: resource classrooms’ service at the municipal schools in the city of São Paulo. Education, 32(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufsm.br/reveducacao/article/view/680



Dossier: Inclusive Education