Searching and investing at the inclusive school with aim at stimulating the pair cooperation


  • Lúcia de Araújo Ramos Martins
  • Katiene Symone de Brito Pessoa da Silva


Full Inclusion, Cooperation, Students.


This paper synthesizes relative aspects to a developed participant research in a public school, in Natal city-RN, through which has searched to favor the school inclusion process of pupils who show special needs, in a more specific way: to create a favorable field so that the children expressed their ideas and feelings, surpassing the simple information on what are the several kinds of existing deficiencies; to contribute to break existing attitudinal barriers in the educational way face to the pupils with special educational needs; to stimulate the child creativity, searching resources to develop a support action to the pairs who present deficiency in research field school. Through diverse developed strategies, it was obtained to apprehend that the deficiency is not the only factor that provokes exclusion, but that the individual differences, many times, are determinative for not the pupil acceptance, and that need more to be worked, in school scope, the necessity of respect to the human diversity, under diverse aspects. Through the undertaken activities, we observe that the pupils had started to coexist better the differences of their pairs, being evidenced more respect and acceptance for each other. It has insisted that the teachers are guided in process, who keep a practical permanent dialogue between the theory and daily practice, questioning it and making with that all the pupils are seen as learners, as people who possess own rhythms and characteristics that need to be respected.

How to Cite

Martins, L. de A. R., & Silva, K. S. de B. P. da. (2007). Searching and investing at the inclusive school with aim at stimulating the pair cooperation. Education, 32(1). Retrieved from



Dossier: Inclusive Education