Study on intrafamily violence against children: Knowledge and attitudes of early education teachers
Intrafamily violence, Teacher training, Early childhood educationAbstract
In the scenario of intrafamily violence against children, the school and the teacher are instruments of prevention and child protection. The objective of the study was to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of Early Childhood Education teachers about intrafamily violence against children aged zero to five years and eleven months, based on the multicausal theory. 36 teachers from a city in the state of São Paulo participated. Two data collection instruments were used: a questionnaire on teacher training and teaching experience and a Likert-style questionnaire on intra-family violence against children. There was a tendency not to make the formal complaint. Insecurity to act was reported, due to gaps in training, resulting in hesitation to denounce and support practices in common sense and personal beliefs. The professionals reported lack of credibility in the agencies that make up the support network. The promotion of a microsystem (school) that favors the development and protection of the individual, depends on the training of teachers. It is concluded that the professionals can identify situations and characteristics of intra-family violence against the child, however, they are not able to make the appropriate referrals.
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