FERESP as a new collective intellectual in the formulation of policies for Brazilian higher education
Private higher education, FERESP, Public Education PoliciesAbstract
The present article analyzes the creation and the role that the Forum of Private Higher Education Representative Entities (FERESP) has been playing, as well as the concrete actions of this entity as a great articulator in favor of the private sector’s interests from a position of action alongside the deliberative body that proposes the educational projects and laws in the Brazilian State like the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Parliament. We seek to establish a connection between the Forum’s agenda, built in the last ten years, and the changes made in the policies concerning higher education. The study has been made through documentary and bibliographic research that analyzed 11 deliberative letters (2008-2018) published by the entity in question that represent, year by year, the synthesis of the propositions derived from these yearly meetings, plus the analysis of other documents extracted from the entity’s official site published throughout the years 2008 until 2018, starting from its creation with the objective of analyzing the propositions and modifications in Brazilian policies. The study concludes, after careful reading of the letters and documents researched, that this entity acts as an organic intellectual collective, inducing the construction of a public policy agenda for higher education, favoring private institutions, above all, private-market institutions; existing an identity relation between the most recent reformulations in politics/laws for the private sector of higher education and the demands originated from the Forum’s congresses, primary locus of publicization of the demands stemmed from this entity.
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