Contemporary Youth Experiences: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections on Socialization and Individualization
Youths, Socialization, Individualization.Abstract
This article develops theoretical and methodological reflections for contemporary youth studies in face of the the experience of subjects immersed in the online and digital universe. From a sociological analysis on the notions of socialization and individualization, including on the internet, this text reflects on the challenges for research that seeks to understand the social construction of young people today, given the current structural process of singularization and the intense Internet presence as a space for youth experiences. The web is understood as a matrix of socialization that cuts across the daily lives of young people in other spheres of socialization, such as family, school and among peers. Based on references from the sociologies of the individual and the sociology of youth, this essay stimulates the development of a look at youth experiences by linking the analytical categories socialization and individualization from plural and intersected ways of being and living in the world, in the context of cyberculture.References
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